Rabu, 06 April 2011

Essay IV: Informal Essay

The Hypnotic Trance

                 Trance is one of the musical genres characterized by its electronic melody and beat. It is not a very popular kind of music compared to pop or rock because many people say it is noisy and complicated. Indeed, trance sounds very complex and has irregular musical pattern.  However, not many people realized that trance music is actually a beautiful music. The reason is because the meaning of real trance goes beyond the simple process of listening to the music. Instead, the real essence of trance covers all aspects starting from the preparation before listening to the music, the hypnotic state of mind during the ‘trance’, and finally the joyful aftereffect that entails after the music.

                There are several things that need to be prepared before listening to the trance music. First, you need to have good sound systems for the music. This is crucial because trance is a very complex music which contains a lot of sound effects in it. A good sound system ensures clear sounds, and thus you can hear every single beautiful effect and tune within the music. Second, you need to prepare your body and soul for the music. This means that your body must be as comfortable as possible so that your soul can be ready to absorb the trance music. Such can be done through several ways, for example: you can clean your body and have your room cool and cozy. You can also try to be alone and stay away from anything noisy. Also, some aromatherapy can be useful to make your body relaxed and calm. After everything is set, you can now move to the next step, i.e. to enjoy the tunes and get yourself into the trance.

                The key to the absolute pleasure and enjoyment is by putting yourself into hypnotic state of mind for the trance.  Though it sounds complicated, yet it is actually very easy to do. All you have to do is close your eyes, and surrender yourself to your own infinite imagination – and let it soars into the endless realm through your mind.  For instance, you can try thinking yourself flying in the sky with angels, or imagine yourself lying in a wide green field of grass and flowers with cool wind breezing through your hair; or perhaps, see yourself sitting together with the one you love at the top of the highest mountain with beautiful scenery of paradise beneath you. Basically, it is all about unlimited imagination and the unique tunes of trance music gives you the ambiance to make them look so real. 

                Finally, listening to trance music entails joyful feeling. As soon as you open your eyes after listening to the music, you will feel yourself filled with energy and your problems and burden lifted. Your previous imaginary adventure in your mind gives you an unforgettable pleasurable experience which can put aside your troubled minds that you have before you listen the trance music. In other words, trance music can heal and entertain your soul from sadness, loneliness, disappointment, anger, jealousy, or any other negative feelings that you have.

                As a conclusion, listening to trance music is not only entertaining, but also useful for your soul especially if you know how to enjoy it.  It is no doubt that due to the complexity of trance, one must spend some time and real efforts to understand the music. However, the secret is actually inside your mind, and fortunately, everybody have it by themselves. Through imagination, trance could be a very powerful music of recovery for body and soul.

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