Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Essay I: Classification Essay

The Bright Sides of Video Games

In this modern world where technology is very advanced, video games have become one of the most favored means for people who seek for fun and entertainment. However despite of its popularity, the existence of video games has been often criticized by many parents because of the harmful effects that it can bring to their children. In most cases, video games cause addiction to children, and this is especially true when parental control is weak. Due to this addiction, many children may have problems with their behaviors or physical conditions that include obesity, sleep disturbance, and eating irregularity. Nevertheless, not everything about video games is negative. On the bright sides, playing video games can have several benefits such as: stimulating brain development, educating children, and providing a simulator for certain professions.

For one thing, playing video games can help stimulate children’s brain development. This usually happens when a child plays a certain genre of game that requires planning and problem solving. For example, in a real-time strategy war game Age of Empires, gamers must be able to manage their limited available resources to build up their city, research technologies and, at the same time, raise an army to defeat their opponents. In this case, they need to plan their resource management wisely and decide what strategy that they need to utilize in their attempt to win the game. Additionally, video games which involve puzzles and riddles can extend one’s problem-solving skill. The classic action-adventure game Legend of Zelda may perhaps become a good example of it. In order to complete this game, players must be able to solve all the puzzles and obstacles using various kinds of instruments or methods that they can find within the game. Through these examples, video games can serve as an alternative supplement to help children’s brain development in an entertaining yet stimulating way. 

Aside of the stimulation of brain development, video games can also become a medium of education for children. The subject of history or culture can sometimes be learned when someone plays a video game. For instance, in a historical-themed war game Napoleon Total War, players are not only involved in the excitement of playing a war game itself, but they are also acquired information about the history and storyline of the great French figure Napoleon Bonaparte. During the play, gamers can learn a lot about the situation of Europe during the 17th century; they can also have knowledge about Napoleon’s career events starting from the beginning of his Italian campaign in 1798 until his downfall at the Battle of Waterloo against Duke of Wellington in 1815. In addition to history, culture is also one of the popular themes on today’s video game. In the game Age of Mythology, children can learn about some of the legendary names of ancient God and Goddess in Greek, Norse and Egyptian mythology. Up to this point, certain kinds of video game prove that playing and learning can go simultaneously. 

The most significant benefit of video games is the fact that it can be used as a simulator in certain field of professions. Thanks to the rapid advancement on graphic technology during the past few years, video games have become very sophisticated, i.e. everything which is displayed on the screen looks so realistic just like in a real world. Because of this reason, the idea of having a simulation device for training purposes has emerged. For example, the Pentagon, which is the main headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, has a special agency called Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Command (STRICOM) that facilitates simulation training programs for United States Armed Forces. So before a newbie pilot flies a real F-22 stealth fighter, he will first have an intensive and repetitious training using a flight simulator. In this way, the pilot can experience flying a real plane using a flight simulator just like playing video games. Furthermore, this method eliminates the risk of having a real accident during training, simply because they are trained in a virtual world (Platoni 1). 

In conclusion, children should be encouraged to play video games not only because it is entertaining, but also beneficial for human development in some ways. Indeed, video games may have dreadful effects, especially when played excessively. Yet the important thing to underline is that we must be wise enough to play video games in a positive manner.

Works Cited
Platoni, Kara. "The Pentagon Goes to the Video Arcade - video games used as military training." July   1999. The Progressive. 5 March 2011. <http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1295/is_7_63/ai_54968180/?tag=content;col1>.

3 komentar:

  1. Hi five Kazu!

    60% of my vocabulary are from video games that I've played

    And there're some video games that good to train your brain, Nintendo DS has plenty of that kind of game

  2. Lol, and that's the first comment on this blog :D

    Yes, you're right :)

    I too learned some English words from video games. Another example aside of Nintendo DS is Wii, in which very good to help hand-eye coordination / motoric skills.

    Therefore basically, without realizing it, people gain something positive from video games. Except, of course, when they become addicted and over-use it, it's no longer a good thing.

    So thanks for the comment, maybe it's a good idea to slip in another paragraph on the essay...or maybe not lol...

  3. o.o you don't like your first post?
    But it's to late :p


    The game's about lawyer and his case

    I know you don't like law, but try it, it wouldn't bite :D
