Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011


Below is the revised version of my Essay II. As a part of learning process, I think proofreading is important. FYI, proofreading is the reading of someone's texts to identify and correct  the errors . Fortunately, a friend of mine named Evi Salim, who is an English teacher from Australia, generously and voluntarily helped me with some proofreading on the essay. As you can see, I made a lot of mistakes in the essay. (click on the image below to see). In the revision, she omitted most phrases and clauses that contain first personal pronoun on the essay; she also simplify a lot of phrases and substitutes words which are not suitable with the context .The result is a shorter essay with better clarity of the content, making it easier to read.The essay also sounds more formal, very different than the previous one which sounds more like a story telling. So, the point is, if you have someone dependable that can help you with the proofreading, please do so because it would help to improve the result of your writing significantly.

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Steaks: Abuba’s and Joni’s

When people ask what my favorite foods are, steak is obviously one of the culinaries that comes up in my mind for the answer. In this essay, I would like to discuss about the two most popular and affordable steak restaurants in Jakarta, such as Abuba's and Joni Steak. These two restaurants are specialized in steak as their main menu. Unlike other restaurants where steaks are usually quite expensive, they are actually succeeded in serving steak in a relatively affordable price to their customers, and at the same time, ensuring delicacy of the meal itself. In fact, some people believe that they have better value in comparison with other similar dining places. For such reasons, both have become very popular among steak-lovers in Jakarta.  However, there are some differences between Abuba's and Joni Steak in terms of price, menu diversity, place, and most importantly, the taste. 

Although Abuba's and Joni Steak are famous for their affordability, with a closer view, the value at Joni Steak is lower than at Abuba’s. At Abuba’s, the New Zealand sirloin steak costs Rp 48.000; but at Joni, it will only cost Rp 35.000. Similarly, the price of Abuba’s local tenderloin steak is Rp 46.000; whereas, with the same menu at Joni, it will only cost Rp 30.000. The price differences also applies for the beverages. While Joni’s customers only need to spend Rp 5.000 for soft drinks, Abuba’s customers could spend Rp. 7.000. In this case, Joni’s can be considered as the winner when it comes to providing more affordable price for customers. 

Menu diversity also becomes one of the factors that differentiate between the two steak restaurants. At Joni’s, there are wide selections of main menu and side dishes which are not available at Abuba’s, such as: spaghetti, chicken burger, garlic bread, mashed potatoes or tubers, fish and chips, prawns cutlet and yoghurts.  Moreover, customers at Joni’s can choose between mushroom and black pepper sauce when they order a steak – such privilege is one thing that does not offered by Abuba's

As well as the value and menu diversity, the atmosphere and facility at Abuba's and Joni Steak restaurant are not similar. For personal reason, Dining at Joni’s is much more uncomfortable than at Abuba’s due to too crowded and narrower space. People’s noise and the limited space from one table to another caused distraction. Due to the location of the kitchen is positioned inside the restaurant, the place could be very smoky, to make matters worse, there is no separation between smoking and non-smoking area. Furthermore, street musicians often busk and ask for some coins, which could be irritating. Abuba’s, on the other hand, has a more enjoyable atmosphere to dine in. It has wider space, and better air circulation because of the air conditioning. The kitchen location which is situated outside of the restaurant also helps the air circulation flows better than at Joni’s. In addition, there is a clear separation between smoking and non-smoking area. Finally, Abuba's has better facilities such as free Wi-Fi and LCD TV. Customers could open their laptop and access the restaurant’s internet while waiting for the meal. In terms of environment, Abuba's has done a better job in providing better ambiance for a pleasant dining experience than Joni’s

The most important difference between Abuba’s and Joni Steak is the taste of the food, particularly, the steak. Unquestionably, different people would have different taste.  However, after comparing similar kind of steak between the two restaurants, the meat tastes better at Abuba's than at Joni’s.  Steaks at Abuba's are much tender, juicier and sweeter. However, at Joni’s, the taste of the meat is not as delicious as Abuba’s.  Somehow, the steak texture is a bit rough and not quiet juicy. Most of the flavor of the steak comes from the sauce, not from the meat itself, which is pretty tasteless. Thus, Abuba’s has better quality of food than Joni’s when it comes to the taste. 

            Overall, although both Abuba's and Joni Steak are very popular in Jakarta, each of them has distinct differences, which make them unique from each other. For a preference of a good value steak, Joni’s restaurant could be the best offer for the customers. Whereas, for a preference of better atmosphere, facilities and taste with a slightly more expensive value, Abuba’s could be the best recommendation for customers.

2 komentar:

  1. Kazu and his connection.... -___-

    IMO it's better if you put your "Proofreading" on different post, but give the same tag

    Because I feel like the main post (steak comparison) is covered by the Proofreading

    again, it's just a suggestion xD

    And I saw you was looking at the "widespread destruction" on the ScreenShot, I bet it's about the Tsunami in Japan

  2. Thanks for the suggestion :)

    Well, at first I was thinking to replace the original essay with the revised one completely.

    But then, I decided not to do so because a reason; By having the two essays posted, it would help people (if they are interested) to see the difference between 'before', and 'after' the revision. Thus, it provides an example of actual proofreading practice, and hopefully make people understand the idea of it.

    And yeah, you're right, it's about tsunami in Japan. The website itself is from CNN (it's a good site if you're looking for authentic material regarding recent world issues, because it is very updated). In fact, I am planning to write about that for my next essay :)
