Jumat, 29 April 2011


History of British Influence on Australia

The founding of Australia in 1788
The history of Australia can be classified into two main timelines. The first one is about the history of the Aborigines people which started from 40.000 years ago. They have been considered as the native people of Australia and one of the oldest civilizations in the world. In this part, history only covers aborigines and their interaction with the nature, and nothing else. However, the second timeline of the history started in 1788 when the British established Australia as a settlement for convicts. At this time, immigrants from all over the world came to Australia and thus shaping Australia into the nowadays heterogenic society.  It was the immigrants who also build up Australia from ashes into a modern and advanced country. However, the interesting part in the history of Australia after being colonized by the British is how the history itself, for a long time, was only viewed from the British point of view, rather than Australian. Ever since the establishment of Australia under English colony, the British had a very strong influence on Australia in every field of life, including the history. Fortunately, things have changed, especially in how Australian historian like Manning Clark tried to cultivate their own understanding about their history.  The purpose is to give Australian with their own distinctive self-identity that makes them different from the British or other Europeans. 

Australia from the British Point of View

In many Australian history books, the focus of discussion is about the arrival of British in 1788. The books explained how Captain Phillip, upon the arrival in Australia, encountered the Aborigines; or about Captain Cook with all his British lifestyle as well as the relationship between Australia and England. In short, the image of Australia was shaped from the British point of view only, and not through other minority cultures in Australia like Chinese, Aborigines or Javanese. For this reason, many people in Australia are more familiar with British history than their own country. 

In general, there are several points regarding the history of Australia based on the British point of view. First of all, the land of Australia was discovered on August 22, 1770 and claimed by Captain James Cook in Botany gulf as part of the British Empire. At that time, Australia was considered as terra nullius or a land without master. Secondly, although Australia was believed to be a homogeny society, yet social heterogeneity had actually occurred ever since the beginning of settlements in Australian history. In the beginning, Australia was designated as settlements for convicts from England. However, historical records proved that many non-English races such as Chinese, African, Malay and European had existed there from the beginning of colonization. Most of them worked as labors and, later, as free immigrants. Thirdly, there are some similarities of theme in classic literatures of Australia, in which most of them depicted the struggle of Australian against the harsh environment of the continent. In the stories, themes about England and Australian people are more focused, and little is discussed about Aborigines or Chinese people. These are the histories known by many Australian, i.e. history from the British point of view. Other histories such as Chinese, Italian or Canal were less concerned and remained vague. It was not until 1974 that the concept of Australia as a multicultural society became official; it was, however, formed after a long process. 

Until 1960, most Australians were ashamed with the origins of their ancestor. It has been a common knowledge that their ancestors were convicts and criminals. Robert Hughes wrote that if Australians knew about the fact, they would feel very embarrassed about their social history. 

Manning Clark
                However, a famous historian, Manning Clark, plays an important role in the history of Australia. He learned and taught Australian history based from the Australian point of view. It was expected that sense of nationalism can be developed by Australian through switching the historical point of view from British to Australian. This could be done by unfolding all factuality about history as truthful as possible. In this way, Australians could learn to accept the truth that not all of their historical tracks were ‘white’. For example, most of the time, history tells much about how the British were successful in taming the wildlife of Australia. Yet little had been said about how they ruthlessly treated Chinese labors or other minority races including the Aborigines. This is important because historical facts are much more valuable than false pride. By accepting the reality, Australian can understand their true self-identity.

Early gold mining in Australia
                The reason which makes British influence to be strong was because the geographical factor of Australia. For the first 100 years since its establishment, the relationship of Australia was limited to England and Europe only. Therefore, most British elements were absorbed in lifestyle, intellectual field, culture, and even esthetics of the Australian people. For the British, Australia was nothing but an ‘open prison’, a place where convicts and uncivilized people were gathered. However, it was not entirely true because not everyone who immigrated to Australia were prisoners. In its development, especially after gold mines were discovered in 1850, many non-convicts emigrants came to Australia and mixed with the free emigrants or convicts from England. 

Opinions about Australia based on the readings. 

There are two important things that make Australia successful as a developed nation. The first one is the sense of appreciation towards their original history and be proud of it. Even though the British put strong influence on their history, but overtime they were willing to change their mindset. In this way, not only the Australian could gain their self-identity, but they also became open minded and be developed. They accepted the reality that their ancestor was convicts, and be proud of it. In other words, the Australians are successful in taking a good thing from bad circumstances. This may be the key to Australia’s independent and developed nation. 

Aside of their willingness to accept their historical origins as part of the true identity, Australian’s hardworking attitude might be another factor that drives their development. Perhaps this is one of the good traits of having a convict ancestor. Their ability to survive in harsh conditions of Australia gives them a natural habit to keep on working hard for survival. We should not forget that when the British first settled in Australia, the situation there was still completely barren and wild. They were also limited with resources and yet, they worked hard and strive to build up the nation. And this attitude runs in their descendant’s blood over generations until now.  Impressively, they can also work together with people from various cultures and races in building the country, and thus, making Australia as one of the world’s most successful multiracial societies.

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Essay IV: Informal Essay

The Hypnotic Trance

                 Trance is one of the musical genres characterized by its electronic melody and beat. It is not a very popular kind of music compared to pop or rock because many people say it is noisy and complicated. Indeed, trance sounds very complex and has irregular musical pattern.  However, not many people realized that trance music is actually a beautiful music. The reason is because the meaning of real trance goes beyond the simple process of listening to the music. Instead, the real essence of trance covers all aspects starting from the preparation before listening to the music, the hypnotic state of mind during the ‘trance’, and finally the joyful aftereffect that entails after the music.

                There are several things that need to be prepared before listening to the trance music. First, you need to have good sound systems for the music. This is crucial because trance is a very complex music which contains a lot of sound effects in it. A good sound system ensures clear sounds, and thus you can hear every single beautiful effect and tune within the music. Second, you need to prepare your body and soul for the music. This means that your body must be as comfortable as possible so that your soul can be ready to absorb the trance music. Such can be done through several ways, for example: you can clean your body and have your room cool and cozy. You can also try to be alone and stay away from anything noisy. Also, some aromatherapy can be useful to make your body relaxed and calm. After everything is set, you can now move to the next step, i.e. to enjoy the tunes and get yourself into the trance.

                The key to the absolute pleasure and enjoyment is by putting yourself into hypnotic state of mind for the trance.  Though it sounds complicated, yet it is actually very easy to do. All you have to do is close your eyes, and surrender yourself to your own infinite imagination – and let it soars into the endless realm through your mind.  For instance, you can try thinking yourself flying in the sky with angels, or imagine yourself lying in a wide green field of grass and flowers with cool wind breezing through your hair; or perhaps, see yourself sitting together with the one you love at the top of the highest mountain with beautiful scenery of paradise beneath you. Basically, it is all about unlimited imagination and the unique tunes of trance music gives you the ambiance to make them look so real. 

                Finally, listening to trance music entails joyful feeling. As soon as you open your eyes after listening to the music, you will feel yourself filled with energy and your problems and burden lifted. Your previous imaginary adventure in your mind gives you an unforgettable pleasurable experience which can put aside your troubled minds that you have before you listen the trance music. In other words, trance music can heal and entertain your soul from sadness, loneliness, disappointment, anger, jealousy, or any other negative feelings that you have.

                As a conclusion, listening to trance music is not only entertaining, but also useful for your soul especially if you know how to enjoy it.  It is no doubt that due to the complexity of trance, one must spend some time and real efforts to understand the music. However, the secret is actually inside your mind, and fortunately, everybody have it by themselves. Through imagination, trance could be a very powerful music of recovery for body and soul.

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Essay III: Cause & Effect Essay

Japan 2011: Nightmare of the Rising Sun

                On 11 March 2011, humanity witnessed another tragedy. An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.9 on the Richter scale hit the coastal area of north-eastern Japan on Friday afternoon. The powerful quake shifted the Earth’s axis by nearly 4 inches and moved the main island of Japan by 8 feet. In Tokyo, the tremor disrupted the city’s rail-transportation, causing massive deadlock on subways including the Shinkansen (Japan’s express train network) which was also out of service. Furthermore, the shockwave also perturbed the city’s phone networks, making communication difficult. Situation went hectic in Tokyo, as workers unable to commute back to their homes after work due to the unavailability of train services. Yet no matter how terrible it might be, the real horror was yet to be faced by the Japanese.  Because of the strong quake, chain reactions of catastrophic events started to unfold one after another: starting from the tsunami, nuclear crisis, and economic downgrades. 

                Approximately fifteen minutes after the earthquake, Japan was hit by tsunami waves that come from the epicenter. Waves after waves of 7-meter tsunami were unleashed along the entire eastern coast of Japan’s main island. The deadly tidal waves, which can travel through the water at speeds up to 600 mph, caused total devastation towards coastal prefectures such as: Sendai, Miyagi, Chiba, Southern Hokkaido, Iwate and many cities along the coast. The world grievously witnessed from live television broadcast on how the tsunami engulfed farms, tossed cars, ships and houses like they were toys. Additionally, thousands of people were killed and missing during the disaster. Because of the massive infrastructure damage by the tsunamis, electricity, shelters, food and water were nearly nonexistent – making the affected areas uninhabitable. 

                After the tsunami, Japan must fight against the risk of having nuclear crisis from some of the damaged nuclear power plants. One of the most severely damaged nuclear power plants in Japan was the Fukushima Daiichi which is located around 250 kilometers north of Tokyo. Due to the massive earthquake, the plant’s main cooling systems, which are used to control the temperature of nuclear core reactor, were knocked out. Because of the cooling failure, the reactor’s pressure was rising beyond control, and thus causing hydrogen explosion in one of the reactor. The result of the accident was the spread of radioactive radiation up to 400 times beyond normal level to the surrounding area.  For this reason, the Japanese government must evacuate all people at the radius of 30 km from the plant. At least 180.000 people had forced to leave the area due to irradiated contamination on air and water. The increase of radioactive level also caused another anxiety for people in Tokyo, as they started to leave the capital city – causing thousands of unprecedented exoduses in Narita and Haneda airports because of growing nuclear emergency at Fukushima power plant. 

                The disaster of earthquake and tsunami also resulted in Japan’s economic downgrade. First, because of the disaster, the country lost 25% of its electricity, and this situation crippled industrial and manufacturing sectors. The tsunami also destroyed farms and sea-ports which damaged Japan’s agricultural and trade sectors.  Consequently, the appalling situation affected Japan’s economy negatively. When the first trading day was opened on Monday, the benchmark Nikkei 225 dropped by 6.2%, making it as the largest single day drop ever since the financial crisis in 2008. The stock’s downgrade trend was also immediately followed by Japan’s major companies. For example, Hitachi’s index was dropped by 16.2%; the same thing was also suffered by Japan’s major automotive company Toyota which fell more than 8% partly because two of its factories in Sendai were affected by tsunami. It was predicted that financial damage from the disaster could reach at least US$100 billion, including US$20 billion in damage to residences and US$40 billion to infrastructure. Analysts believed that Japan’s earthquake and tsunami as the costliest catastrophe in the world.

                In conclusion, the combination of various calamities – 8.9 Richter scale of earthquake, tsunamis, radioactive contamination and degradation of the nation’s economy – has brought misery to the Japanese people and sorrow to the entire world. Until the moment of this essay is written, the official death toll of the disaster have reached 5.178, with more than 18.600 people still remain unaccounted; the number itself is expected to climb as thousands remain missing. Yet amidst the pain and tragedy, the world is amazed on seeing how the Japanese people remain calm, steadfast and united together in facing the disaster. May the fortitude of Japan guides them through this tragedy.

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011


Below is the revised version of my Essay II. As a part of learning process, I think proofreading is important. FYI, proofreading is the reading of someone's texts to identify and correct  the errors . Fortunately, a friend of mine named Evi Salim, who is an English teacher from Australia, generously and voluntarily helped me with some proofreading on the essay. As you can see, I made a lot of mistakes in the essay. (click on the image below to see). In the revision, she omitted most phrases and clauses that contain first personal pronoun on the essay; she also simplify a lot of phrases and substitutes words which are not suitable with the context .The result is a shorter essay with better clarity of the content, making it easier to read.The essay also sounds more formal, very different than the previous one which sounds more like a story telling. So, the point is, if you have someone dependable that can help you with the proofreading, please do so because it would help to improve the result of your writing significantly.

Image 1

Image 2
Image 3
Image 4

Steaks: Abuba’s and Joni’s

When people ask what my favorite foods are, steak is obviously one of the culinaries that comes up in my mind for the answer. In this essay, I would like to discuss about the two most popular and affordable steak restaurants in Jakarta, such as Abuba's and Joni Steak. These two restaurants are specialized in steak as their main menu. Unlike other restaurants where steaks are usually quite expensive, they are actually succeeded in serving steak in a relatively affordable price to their customers, and at the same time, ensuring delicacy of the meal itself. In fact, some people believe that they have better value in comparison with other similar dining places. For such reasons, both have become very popular among steak-lovers in Jakarta.  However, there are some differences between Abuba's and Joni Steak in terms of price, menu diversity, place, and most importantly, the taste. 

Although Abuba's and Joni Steak are famous for their affordability, with a closer view, the value at Joni Steak is lower than at Abuba’s. At Abuba’s, the New Zealand sirloin steak costs Rp 48.000; but at Joni, it will only cost Rp 35.000. Similarly, the price of Abuba’s local tenderloin steak is Rp 46.000; whereas, with the same menu at Joni, it will only cost Rp 30.000. The price differences also applies for the beverages. While Joni’s customers only need to spend Rp 5.000 for soft drinks, Abuba’s customers could spend Rp. 7.000. In this case, Joni’s can be considered as the winner when it comes to providing more affordable price for customers. 

Menu diversity also becomes one of the factors that differentiate between the two steak restaurants. At Joni’s, there are wide selections of main menu and side dishes which are not available at Abuba’s, such as: spaghetti, chicken burger, garlic bread, mashed potatoes or tubers, fish and chips, prawns cutlet and yoghurts.  Moreover, customers at Joni’s can choose between mushroom and black pepper sauce when they order a steak – such privilege is one thing that does not offered by Abuba's

As well as the value and menu diversity, the atmosphere and facility at Abuba's and Joni Steak restaurant are not similar. For personal reason, Dining at Joni’s is much more uncomfortable than at Abuba’s due to too crowded and narrower space. People’s noise and the limited space from one table to another caused distraction. Due to the location of the kitchen is positioned inside the restaurant, the place could be very smoky, to make matters worse, there is no separation between smoking and non-smoking area. Furthermore, street musicians often busk and ask for some coins, which could be irritating. Abuba’s, on the other hand, has a more enjoyable atmosphere to dine in. It has wider space, and better air circulation because of the air conditioning. The kitchen location which is situated outside of the restaurant also helps the air circulation flows better than at Joni’s. In addition, there is a clear separation between smoking and non-smoking area. Finally, Abuba's has better facilities such as free Wi-Fi and LCD TV. Customers could open their laptop and access the restaurant’s internet while waiting for the meal. In terms of environment, Abuba's has done a better job in providing better ambiance for a pleasant dining experience than Joni’s

The most important difference between Abuba’s and Joni Steak is the taste of the food, particularly, the steak. Unquestionably, different people would have different taste.  However, after comparing similar kind of steak between the two restaurants, the meat tastes better at Abuba's than at Joni’s.  Steaks at Abuba's are much tender, juicier and sweeter. However, at Joni’s, the taste of the meat is not as delicious as Abuba’s.  Somehow, the steak texture is a bit rough and not quiet juicy. Most of the flavor of the steak comes from the sauce, not from the meat itself, which is pretty tasteless. Thus, Abuba’s has better quality of food than Joni’s when it comes to the taste. 

            Overall, although both Abuba's and Joni Steak are very popular in Jakarta, each of them has distinct differences, which make them unique from each other. For a preference of a good value steak, Joni’s restaurant could be the best offer for the customers. Whereas, for a preference of better atmosphere, facilities and taste with a slightly more expensive value, Abuba’s could be the best recommendation for customers.

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Essay II: Comparison & Contrast Essay

Steaks: Abuba’s and Joni’s

When people ask me what my favorite foods are, steak is obviously one of the culinary that comes up in my mind for the answer. Here, I would like to discuss about the two most popular and affordable steak restaurants in Jakarta, i.e. Abuba's and Joni Steak. Similarly, the two restaurants are specialized in having steak as their main menu; and unlike other restaurants where steaks are usually quite expensive, they are actually succeeded in not only serving steak in a relatively affordable price to their customers, but at the same time, ensuring delicacy of the meal itself– in fact, some of my friends believe that they have the cheapest price-list in comparison with other similar dining places. Perhaps for such reasons, both have become very popular among steak-lovers in Jakarta.  However, aside of being a steak restaurant, there are some differences between Abuba's and Joni Steak in terms of price, menu diversity, place, and most importantly for me, the taste. 

Although Abuba's and Joni Steak are famous for their affordability, yet if I take a closer look on the price between the two, It is obvious that the cost of eating in Joni Steak is cheaper than in Abuba. The easiest way to find this out is by comparing the same offered menu of the two restaurants. For example, the New Zealand sirloin steak costs Rp 48.000 in Abuba; but in Joni Steak, the same kind of steak only costs Rp 35.000. Additionally, the Abuba’s price for local tenderloin steak is Rp 46.000; whereas in Joni Steak, the price is only Rp 30.000 for the same menu. Furthermore, the same idea of cheapness also applies for the drinks.  While I only need to spend Rp 5.000 for soft drinks in Joni Steak, but in Abuba, soft drinks cost Rp. 7.000. In this case, Joni’s can be considered as the winner when it comes to providing more affordable price for customers. 

For another reason, menu diversity also becomes one of the factors that differentiate between the two steak restaurants. In Joni’s, I can have a wide selections of main menus and side dishes that are not available at Abuba’s, such as: spaghetti, chicken burger, garlic bread, mashed potatoes or tubers, fish and chips, prawns cutlet and yoghurts.  Moreover, customers at Joni’s can choose between mushroom and black pepper sauce when they order a steak – such privilege is one thing that does not offered by Abuba's

Aside of the price and menu diversity, the condition and facility of Abuba's and Joni Steak restaurant are not the same. Personally, I think that eating at Joni’s is much more uncomfortable than Abuba’s. Somehow, the place is too crowded and small. I can clearly hear people’s chatting from my rear, left and right seat because the space from one table to another is so close. Sometimes, the place can be pretty smoky too simply because the kitchen is located inside the restaurant. To make it worse, there is no separation whatsoever between smoking and non-smoking area, so consider it as “extra” smokes for you. Furthermore, street musicians often come in and asking for some coins, something which is very bothering to me. Abuba’s, on the other hand, is a more enjoyable place to eat. It has wider space, and better air circulation because of the air con. The kitchen is located at the front of the restaurant, so the smoke goes outside. In addition, there is a clear separation between smoking and non-smoking area. Finally, Abuba's has better facilities such as free Wi-Fi and LCD TV. I still remember how my friend opened his laptop and accessed his facebook while waiting for the meal. Therefore, I think that Abuba's has done a better job in providing better ambience for a pleasant eating experience in its dining place than Joni’s

The most important difference between Abuba’s and Joni Steak is the taste of the food, in particular for me, the steak. Surely, I do aware that when it comes to the taste, different people would have different appetites.  However, after comparing the same kind steak of the two restaurants, I find that the meat tastes better in Abuba's than Joni’s.  As a steak-lover, I always like my tenderloin steak to be medium-rare. For one reason, steaks in Abuba's are much more tender and sweet. The juicy red blood that flows in my mouth when I chew my piece of sliced steak tastes sweet and very unique. The meat itself is soft and tender. So, I really enjoy the flavor very much, bit-by-bit. But at Joni’s, the taste is not as delicious as Abuba’s.  Somehow, the steak texture is a bit rough and not so juicy even though I order for medium-rare. Most of the flavor comes from the sauce, and not the meat itself, which is pretty tasteless. Thus, I personally would vote for Abuba’s over Joni’s when it comes to the taste. 

All in all, although both Abuba's and Joni Steak are popular in Jakarta, but I think each of them has distinct differences that makes them unique from each other. And instead of deciding which one is better, I would like to say my preferences about the two restaurants in a more neutral way; if you want to have cheaper steak, go to Joni’s—if you want to have a better dining place but with a slightly more expensive price, go to Abuba’s. In terms of the taste of the steak, I choose Abuba's. But of course, that’s just my own preferences; so, what about yours?

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Essay I: Classification Essay

The Bright Sides of Video Games

In this modern world where technology is very advanced, video games have become one of the most favored means for people who seek for fun and entertainment. However despite of its popularity, the existence of video games has been often criticized by many parents because of the harmful effects that it can bring to their children. In most cases, video games cause addiction to children, and this is especially true when parental control is weak. Due to this addiction, many children may have problems with their behaviors or physical conditions that include obesity, sleep disturbance, and eating irregularity. Nevertheless, not everything about video games is negative. On the bright sides, playing video games can have several benefits such as: stimulating brain development, educating children, and providing a simulator for certain professions.

For one thing, playing video games can help stimulate children’s brain development. This usually happens when a child plays a certain genre of game that requires planning and problem solving. For example, in a real-time strategy war game Age of Empires, gamers must be able to manage their limited available resources to build up their city, research technologies and, at the same time, raise an army to defeat their opponents. In this case, they need to plan their resource management wisely and decide what strategy that they need to utilize in their attempt to win the game. Additionally, video games which involve puzzles and riddles can extend one’s problem-solving skill. The classic action-adventure game Legend of Zelda may perhaps become a good example of it. In order to complete this game, players must be able to solve all the puzzles and obstacles using various kinds of instruments or methods that they can find within the game. Through these examples, video games can serve as an alternative supplement to help children’s brain development in an entertaining yet stimulating way. 

Aside of the stimulation of brain development, video games can also become a medium of education for children. The subject of history or culture can sometimes be learned when someone plays a video game. For instance, in a historical-themed war game Napoleon Total War, players are not only involved in the excitement of playing a war game itself, but they are also acquired information about the history and storyline of the great French figure Napoleon Bonaparte. During the play, gamers can learn a lot about the situation of Europe during the 17th century; they can also have knowledge about Napoleon’s career events starting from the beginning of his Italian campaign in 1798 until his downfall at the Battle of Waterloo against Duke of Wellington in 1815. In addition to history, culture is also one of the popular themes on today’s video game. In the game Age of Mythology, children can learn about some of the legendary names of ancient God and Goddess in Greek, Norse and Egyptian mythology. Up to this point, certain kinds of video game prove that playing and learning can go simultaneously. 

The most significant benefit of video games is the fact that it can be used as a simulator in certain field of professions. Thanks to the rapid advancement on graphic technology during the past few years, video games have become very sophisticated, i.e. everything which is displayed on the screen looks so realistic just like in a real world. Because of this reason, the idea of having a simulation device for training purposes has emerged. For example, the Pentagon, which is the main headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, has a special agency called Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Command (STRICOM) that facilitates simulation training programs for United States Armed Forces. So before a newbie pilot flies a real F-22 stealth fighter, he will first have an intensive and repetitious training using a flight simulator. In this way, the pilot can experience flying a real plane using a flight simulator just like playing video games. Furthermore, this method eliminates the risk of having a real accident during training, simply because they are trained in a virtual world (Platoni 1). 

In conclusion, children should be encouraged to play video games not only because it is entertaining, but also beneficial for human development in some ways. Indeed, video games may have dreadful effects, especially when played excessively. Yet the important thing to underline is that we must be wise enough to play video games in a positive manner.

Works Cited
Platoni, Kara. "The Pentagon Goes to the Video Arcade - video games used as military training." July   1999. The Progressive. 5 March 2011. <http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1295/is_7_63/ai_54968180/?tag=content;col1>.